Alertus Webinar Series

Educational webinars highlighting the latest in unified facility notification products, best practices, and emergency preparedness.

Enhancing Safety in a COVID-19 Landscape: Communication Tools for Healthcare Professionals




The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced countless organizations around the world - particularly those in the healthcare industry - to quickly develop, implement, and maintain enhanced safety plans. What changes has your healthcare organization made to adjust to the new COVID-19 landscape? How are you keeping everyone informed about new COVID-19 policies and protocols?

Watch the replay to gain insight on the steps you can take to improve both organization-wide communication and safety for your healthcare community.

During this webinar, you will:

  • Discover ways to better follow and enforce social distancing guidelines for staff, patients, and visitors
  • Learn how you can utilize MNS alerts to effectively communicate COVID-19 updates



Tiffany Bates

Tiffany Bates 
Healthcare Sales & Account Executive 

Alertus Technologies 






Watch the Replay